Frequently asked questions
Is Violetta Tinari your real name?
Absolutely not. Considering the current political environment, the best-case scenario is police harassment and/or an expensive lawsuit. Just look at what happened when a journalist found a Project 2025 duffel bag and took it home. That was only a bag with nothing sensitive in it, but the situation could have ended very badly. How much effort will the people behind this playbook put into silencing me? Worst-case scenario involves "credible threats" as the authorities like to say, which then progress beyond mere threats.
Is this site a work of fiction per the disclaimer on every page?
I obviously can't contradict the disclaimer here, or it would be completely pointless. I also cannot offer proof of the playbook's authenticity without potentially exposing myself to danger.
Consider the options:
If I say it's fact, then powerful politicians and their wealthy backers have to take action against me. Potentially good for the nation but bad for my health.
If I say it's fiction, then they can dismiss it as such when asked by reporters. Any action they take against me would prove my credibility, which would be a mistake on their part. Potentially less helpful for the nation but much safer for me.
Which option would you choose?
Why not give the book to a media outlet to break the story?
Which kind of media do you have in mind? If the book is correct, the conservative media will squash the story since it is unfavorable for their wealthy owners. The mainstream media might cover it but would probably take too long with fact-checking, and they wouldn't be believed by Republican voters anyway. This was the only way I could think of to get the story out quickly to the people who need to see it.
How reliable is the context you are providing?
Since we live in the age of AI-generated or altered videos, please note that all video clips come from major news networks and should be genuine. I tried to pull the excerpts from full-length speeches that are less likely to have been manipulated.
How often will additional material be posted?
Whenever I can manage it. Transcribing from hard copy to this website is a slow process, and I'm trying to provide additional context via videos and other news links. All within the handful of hours remaining before the elections.
Note that the text is not necessarily being posted in the same order as it appears in the book. I'm prioritizing pieces that are most relevant to the political campaigns as they evolve daily.
Is there a way I can help?
The best way to help is to spread the word. Feel free to grab whatever speaks to you most deeply and share it with your network. If you can source additional examples of politicians using the playbook's recommendations, let me know and I will try to add them to the site, time permitting.
If you are part of a Republican campaign and have access to a copy of the playbook, please contact me to see if we can come up with a way that is safe (for both of us) to prove its authenticity.
How can I contact you?
Use the contact form, but please be patient. I'm being pulled in a dozen different directions to get everything done in a hurry.
My legal counsel advises me to state that the contents of this website are a work of fiction, in order to reduce the risk of legal action and/or death (see FAQs for additional details). It's up to you to determine whether to believe this disclaimer or the video/news evidence presented on these pages alongside the text.
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